Dare to Ride, Race, Commute

Silver Cycling provides a network of friends with the passion for cycling. The growth/maintenance of SC is dependent on your involvement as a volunteer with many team events. SC members often experience a growing networking of other riders, cycling knowledge, and ride experiences.
Silver Cycling organizes Group Rides by using the BLEEDSILVERSC googlegroups distribution list. Since our membership has not only grown in numbers, we have also spread out more of the Twin Cities and greater Minnesota.
We encourage members to organize and announce group rides to the BLEEDSILVER distribution list. What we have found was that many riders have different schedules, routes, and starting locations.
Through the BLEEDSILVERSC distribution list, we announce our riding events. No formal calendar exists at this time.
Cycling can be a dangerous and hazardous sport. Any group member is participating at their own risk. Helmets are highly recommended. Each individual should participate at their own level of comfort and development. Silver Cycling or any member claiming to be a Silver Cyclist are not responsible or is held liable for any other member in the group while riding. Silver Cycling and it's participating members provide nothing more than an a group of cyclist who like to ride. No fees or services are required or provided.